Active & Passive Voice in Hindi



Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.

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Active & Passive Voice in Hindi

Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.

Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.

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Active & Passive Voice in Hindi

Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.



Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.

Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.



Active & Passive Voice in Hindi

Active voice को Passive voice में या Passive voice को Active voice में बदलना कोई कठिन काम नही है। इसके कुछ सरल से नियम है जो हम आज देखेंगे और फिर आप अंग्रेजी का बड़े से बड़ा Active voice का Sentence भी Passive voice में बड़ी ही आसानी से बना लेंगे। 

लेकिन उससे पहले ये समझना ज़रूरी है कि Active Voice और Passive voice किसे कहते है।

ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।


विकास सब्ज़ियाँ बेचता है।

Vikas sells vegetables.

वह इन दिनों एक किताब लिख रहा है।

He is writing a book these days.

पागल कुत्ते ने उसे काट लिया।
The mad dog bit him.

हम कल उसे सबक़ सिखाएँगे।

We will teach him a lesson tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।


दिवाली धूम धाम से मनाई जाती है।

Diwali is celebrated with pomp.

यहाँ किताबें बेची जाती है।

Books are sold here.

चोर को पकड़ लिया गया।

The thief was caught.

उसे कल इंदौर भेजा गया।
He was sent to Indore yesterday.

अभी ये वाक्य आपको कठिन लग रहे होंगे क्योंकि किस Tense का Passive Voice किस तरह बनाया जाता है ये अभी समझ नही आया है। तो आइए Tense के हिसाब से इसे समझे।

सबसे पहले एक
ACTIVE VOICE और एक PASSIVE VOICE का स्ट्रक्चर देखते है।


ACTIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कर्ता (SUBJECT) की तरह कार्य करता है। तो उसे ACTIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है। Daily Use Sentences सबसे ज़्यादा ACTIVE VOICE में ही बोले जाते है।

Subject + H.V. + M.V. + Object.


PASSIVE VOICE –  जब किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु को कर्ता (SUBJECT) को प्राथमिकता न देकर OBJECT को पूछा जाता है अर्थात् OBJECT को प्राथमिकता दी जाती है। तो उसे PASSIVE VOICE में लिखा जाता है।

Object + H.V. + M.V. + by + subject.

अब मेरी बात ध्यान से समझिए अंग्रेजी में कुल बारह काल (TENSE) होते है जिसमें से केवल आठ कालों (TENSE) के ही PASSIVE VOICE बनते है। 

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

ये चार काल (TENSE) जिनके PASSIVE VOICE नही बनते है। जिसमें तीनों TENSE के सभी Perfect Continuous Tense तथा Future Continuous Tense आते है।

1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4) Future Continuous Tense

1) Present Indefinite Tense
2) Past Indefinite Tense
3) Future Indefinite Tense
4) Present Continuous Tense
5) Past Continuous Tense
6) Present Perfect Tense
7) Past Perfect Tense
8) Future Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (is/am/are) और आप जानते ही हाई चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He speaks French.
P.V – French is spoken by him.

A.V – I teach him.
P.V – He is taught by me.


Object + is/am/are + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He doesn’t help me.
P.V – I am not helped by him.

A.V – We do not play carrom.
P.V – Carrom is not played by us.


is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Does he know you?
P.V – is he known to you?

A.V – Do you eat pizza?.
P.V – is the pizza eaten by you?


 (WH) + is/am/are + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who teaches you English?
P.V – By whom are you taught English?

A.V – Who stare at him there?
P.V – By whom is he stared at there?

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Present Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (is/am/are) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + is/am/are + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – My mom is watching the serial.
P.V – The serial is being watched by my mom.

A.V – Someone is calling me.
P.V – I am being called.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + is/am/are + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Shikha is not plucking mangoes.
P.V – Mangoes are not being plucked by Shikha.


is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Are you reading the Newspaper?
P.V – is the newspaper being read by you?

A.V – is she laughing at you?
P.V – Are you being laughed at by her?


(WH) + is/am/are + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who is following us?
P.V – By whom are we being followed?

A.V – Whom are we sending there?
P.V – Who is being sent there by us?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Present Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (has/have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + has/have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Somebody has stolen my books.
P.V – My books have been stolen.

A.V –Virat Kohli has made a century.
P.V – A century has been made by Virat Kohli.


Object + has/have + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I have not given him a mobile.
P.V – A mobile has not been given to him by me.


Has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Has your neighbour’s dog bitten you again?
P.V – Have you been bitten by a neighbour’s dog again?

A.V – Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
P.V – Has the Taj Mahal been ever seen by you?


(WH) + has/have + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who has called the police?
P.V – By whom has the police been called?

A.V – How have you done it?
P.V – How has it been done by you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (was/were) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were V3. + by + subject.

A.V – People encouraged him.
P.V – He was encouraged.

A.V –Someone checked your phone.
P.V – Your phone was checked.


Object + was/were + not V3. + by + subject.

A.V – He did not answer my question.
P.V – My question was not answered by him.


Was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Did they call you for an interview?
P.V – Were you called for an interview?

A.V – Did the police arrest the thieves?
P.V – Were the thieves arrested?


(WH) + was/were + Object + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who made you foolish?
P.V – By whom were you made foolish?

A.V – Who refused him to come?
P.V – By whom was he refused to come?

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense अपने आप में सक्षम है इसलिए इसने Simple Past Tense की मदद की तो इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करते है है जो कि है (was/were) और इसके साथ हम being जोड़ देते है सभी Continuous Tense में हम being जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + was/were + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The teacher was taking our viva.
P.V – Our viva was being taken by the teacher.

A.V – They were torturing him there.

P.V – He was being tortured.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + was/were + not + being V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The principal was not accepting your request.
P.V – Your request was not being accepted by the principal.


was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Were you solving the sums?
P.V – Were the sums being solved by you? 

A.V – Was he trying to pick up your pocket?
P.V – Was your pocket being tried to pick up by him?


(WH) + was/were + Object + being + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V –Who was calling the ambulance?
P.V – By whom was the ambulance being called?

A.V – What were you finding out?
P.V – What was being found out by you?

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (had) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + had + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – They had made you foolish.
P.V – You had been made foolish.

A.V – Someone had snatched his money.
P.V – His money had been snatched.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Object + had + not + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – I had not listened to him.
P.V – He had not been listened to by me.


Had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Had the police imposed the night curfew at 6 P.M?
P.V – Had the night curfew been imposed at 6 P.M?

A.V – Had he advised you to go there?
P.V – Had you been advised by him to go there?


(WH) + had + Object + been + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Who had asked your name?
P.V – By whom had your name been asked?

A.V – When had India won the World Cup?
P.V – When had the World Cup been won by India?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense  इतना समझदार नही है इसलिए इसका PASSIVE VOICE बनाते समय हम इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद लेते है इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) को उधार लेते है जो कि है (will be) और आप जानते ही है चाहे कोई भी (TENSE) हो सभी में मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – Someone will inform you.
P.V – You will be informed.

A.V – They will phone you by the evening.
P.V – You will be phoned by the evening.


Object + will + not + be V3. + by + subject.

A.V – No one will send me there with you.
P.V – I will not be sent with you there.

NOTE –  जब  PASSIVE OBJECTS जैसे: One, Someone, Anybody, Nobody, No one, Police, People, Us, Them आदि का प्रयोग किया जाए तो इन OBJECTS को नही लिखा जाता है।


Will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Will someone punish him?
P.V – Will he be punished?


(WH) + will + Object + be + V3. + by + subject. + ?

A.V – Where will they take him?
P.V – Where will he be taken?

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense  की मदद करने के लिए कोई काल (TENSE) नही बचता क्योंकि इसके आगे आता है Future Perfect Continuous Tense जिसकी PASSIVE VOICE नही बनती इसलिए ये इससे आगे वाले काल (TENSE) की मदद न लेते हुए इसकी हेल्पिंग वर्ब (H.V) का ही प्रयोग करता है जो कि है (will have) और इसके साथ हम been जोड़ देते है सभी Perfect Tense में हम been जोड़कर passive बनाते है मेन वर्ब (M.V.) का तीसरा रूप (Third form) प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Object + will have + been V3. + by + subject.

A.V – The police will have arrested the terrorist.
P.V – The terrorist will have been arrested.

A.V – We will have processed your request by 4 o’clock.
P.V – Your request will have been processed by 4 o’clock.

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